
Returns an object to a keyed sub-pool. <p> If {@link #getMaxIdlePerKey() maxIdle} is set to a positive value and the number of idle instances under the given key has reached this value, the returning instance is destroyed. <p> If {@link #getTestOnReturn() testOnReturn} == true, the returning instance is validated before being returned to the idle instance sub-pool under the given key. In this case, if validation fails, the instance is destroyed. <p> Exceptions encountered destroying objects for any reason are swallowed but notified via a {@link SwallowedExceptionListener}.

@param key pool key @param obj instance to return to the keyed pool

@throws IllegalStateException if an object is returned to the pool that was not borrowed from it or if an object is returned to the pool multiple times

class GenericKeyedObjectPool(K, T)
K key
T obj
