Indicates if full stack traces are required when {@link #getLogAbandoned() logAbandoned}
is true. Defaults to true. Logging of abandoned objects requiring a full stack trace will
generate an entire stack trace to generate for every object created. If this is disabled,
a faster but less informative stack walking mechanism may be used if available.
@return true if full stack traces are required for logging abandoned connections, or false
if abbreviated stack traces are acceptable
@see CallStack
Indicates if full stack traces are required when {@link #getLogAbandoned() logAbandoned} is true. Defaults to true. Logging of abandoned objects requiring a full stack trace will generate an entire stack trace to generate for every object created. If this is disabled, a faster but less informative stack walking mechanism may be used if available.
@return true if full stack traces are required for logging abandoned connections, or false if abbreviated stack traces are acceptable @see CallStack