
An interface defining life-cycle methods for instances to be served by a {@link KeyedObjectPool}. <p> By contract, when an {@link KeyedObjectPool} delegates to a {@link KeyedPooledObjectFactory}, </p> <ol> <li> {@link #makeObject} is called whenever a new instance is needed. </li> <li> {@link #activateObject} is invoked on every instance that has been {@link #passivateObject passivated} before it is {@link KeyedObjectPool#borrowObject borrowed} from the pool. </li> <li> {@link #validateObject} may be invoked on {@link #activateObject activated} instances to make sure they can be {@link KeyedObjectPool#borrowObject borrowed} from the pool. <code>validateObject</code> may also be used to test an instance being {@link KeyedObjectPool#returnObject returned} to the pool before it is {@link #passivateObject passivated}. It will only be invoked on an activated instance. </li> <li> {@link #passivateObject passivateObject} is invoked on every instance when it is returned to the pool. </li> <li> {@link #destroyObject destroyObject} is invoked on every instance when it is being "dropped" from the pool (whether due to the response from <code>validateObject</code>, or for reasons specific to the pool implementation.) There is no guarantee that the instance being destroyed will be considered active, passive or in a generally consistent state. </li> </ol> {@link KeyedPooledObjectFactory} must be thread-safe. The only promise an {@link KeyedObjectPool} makes is that the same instance of an object will not be passed to more than one method of a <code>KeyedPoolableObjectFactory</code> at a time. <p> While clients of a {@link KeyedObjectPool} borrow and return instances of the underlying value type V, the factory methods act on instances of {@link PooledObject PooledObject&lt;V&gt;}. These are the object wrappers that pools use to track and maintain state informations about the objects that they manage. </p>

@see KeyedObjectPool @see BaseKeyedPooledObjectFactory

@param <K> The type of keys managed by this factory. @param <V> Type of element managed by this factory.



void activateObject(K key, PooledObject!(V) p)

Reinitialize an instance to be returned by the pool.

void destroyObject(K key, PooledObject!(V) p)

Destroy an instance no longer needed by the pool. <p> It is important for implementations of this method to be aware that there is no guarantee about what state <code>obj</code> will be in and the implementation should be prepared to handle unexpected errors. </p> <p> Also, an implementation must take in to consideration that instances lost to the garbage collector may never be destroyed. </p>

PooledObject!(V) makeObject(K key)

Create an instance that can be served by the pool and wrap it in a {@link PooledObject} to be managed by the pool.

void passivateObject(K key, PooledObject!(V) p)

Uninitialize an instance to be returned to the idle object pool.

bool validateObject(K key, PooledObject!(V) p)

Ensures that the instance is safe to be returned by the pool.
