Calls {@link KeyedObjectPool#addObject(Object)} on <code>keyedPool</code> with
<code>key</code> <code>count</code> number of times.
@param keyedPool
the keyedPool to prefill.
@param key
the key to add objects for.
@param count
the number of idle objects to add for <code>key</code>.
@param <K> the type of the pool key
@param <V> the type of pool entries
@throws Exception
when {@link KeyedObjectPool#addObject(Object)} fails.
@throws IllegalArgumentException
when <code>keyedPool</code> or <code>key</code> is
Calls {@link KeyedObjectPool#addObject(Object)} on <code>keyedPool</code> with <code>key</code> <code>count</code> number of times.
@param keyedPool the keyedPool to prefill. @param key the key to add objects for. @param count the number of idle objects to add for <code>key</code>. @param <K> the type of the pool key @param <V> the type of pool entries @throws Exception when {@link KeyedObjectPool#addObject(Object)} fails. @throws IllegalArgumentException when <code>keyedPool</code> or <code>key</code> is <code>null</code>.